What We Did
In 2014, The Bingham Group received the new five year contract to publish the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency’s Guides in the spring of 2014. The guides include the Hunting & Trapping Guide, Waterfowl Guide and Fishing Guide.
TWRA has a rich history of providing a service to the public, affording all residents the right to hunt wildlife in the great state of Tennessee. The mission of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is to preserve, conserve, manage, protect and enhance the fish and wildlife of the state ant their habitats for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the citizens in Tennessee as well as its visitors.
The Bingham Group provides the design, layout, editing, and ad sales for the guide as well as all the advertising design, placement and quality controls the printing process.
The guide provides all hunters and anglers access to the licensing fees, hunting and fishing regulations, wildlife management areas, and hunting and fishing tags and licenses.
The Wildlife Guides are available at