What We Did
The Bingham Group recently won a five-year contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Homeland Security, to create a methamphetamine awareness campaign to include radio, television and visual print media. As part of this contract, The Bingham Group developed a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) about the dangers and consequences of making methamphetamine. Specifically, the PSA deals with newer, stricter laws regarding making meth around children.
After thoroughly researching the subject matter and the new methamphetamine laws, the agency began concept creation and storyboards. The video focuses on a mother involved in making meth being sentenced to jail and losing her child as a result of her actions. The Bingham Group selected talent and music for the PSA, as well as custom-created graphics to enhance the PSA’s message. The project was completed in-house by utilizing the agency’s own broadcast production facilities. In addition to creating the video, The Bingham Group is responsible for media buys and distribution to media outlets throughout the State.
This campaign led to a 30.1% decrease in the number of children removed from homes and a 24.7% decrease in the number of meth labs seized.

Our Results
As a result of our efforts in the anti-methamphetamine communications campaign, we earned three prestigious national advertising awards. More importantly, this campaign led to a 30.1% decrease in the number of children removed from homes and a 24.7% decrease in the number of meth labs seized.
According to Governor Bill Haslam, “The television ads were very effective and emotionally described the heartbreaking toll that meth manufacturing and use can take on a family.”
Contract Period: June 3, 2014 – June 2, 2019