Bingham Group Founder Is Placed In The Top Five

fter years of hard work building a full-service marketing and advertising agency, publishing twelve magazines a year, restoring a historic home in Madisonville, and being a wonderful mother to three girls, Lisa Bingham has been recognized as one of the Top Five Business Women of the Year in Monroe County. This prestigious award serves as recognition for all she’s done over the years. She received the award from the Monroe County Chamber of Commerce at the 2023 Women in Business Gala. Lisa was one of 88 nominees and was very honored by the award.
A Madisonville native, Lisa founded The Bingham Group in 1989. In 2009, she started Monroe Life magazine to promote Monroe County and highlight its people and beauty. This was followed by McMinn Life and Farragut Life magazines in 2011 and 2015. Lisa has extensive and award-winning experience in all phases of marketing, design, and art direction for advertising, public relations, and community relations campaigns. Lisa’s greatest strengths are derived from her passion for creative conceptualization and design. As such, her artistic disciplines are present in every element of The Bingham Group’s work, from video and visual presentation to print and multi-media campaigns. Her company has successfully completed over 30 contracts with the State of Tennessee so far and has provided marketing for multi-million-dollar companies. Lisa also serves on the Board of Directors of the East Tennessee Foundation.