10th Annual Balloon Festival A Huge Success
he 10th Annual Monroe Life Balloon Festival was a huge success raising over $150K. This was the largest festival to date and broke all the records set by previous years!
Our annual balloon festival benefits The Boys & Girls Club of Monroe County and the funds help them provide after school activities to families and kids in the community. We’re proud to support them and all that they do, and with this year’s festival being such a success, we were able to give them the largest amount in years!
Our pilots, sponsors, bands, food vendors, craft vendors, our VIP food sponsor, Longhorn SteakHouse and our staff all played a role in helping this year’s event be the best one yet. Be sure to check out the Monroe Life Balloon Festival page and share your favorite photos with us – we’d love to see them!
Bingham Group Wins Pick TN Products Contract
he Bingham Group has been awarded a state contract for Pick Tennessee Products. This contract will have us creating social media ads that will run throughout the entire state of Tennessee in efforts to increase their online following and traffic by 20%. Our team is excited to work with the state and help them plan, create, and monitor their social media advertising as well as any graphic design they need along the way. This is another major state level contract that has been awarded to us!
For more than thirty years, Pick Tennessee Products has been a part of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture connecting people everywhere to all of the great things that come from Tennessee’s farms and food businesses. From produce and pumpkin patches, to honey and handmade soaps, to cheeses and artisan chocolates, you can live local when you Pick Tennessee Products.

Bingham Group Founder Is Placed In The Top Five
fter years of hard work building a full-service marketing and advertising agency, publishing twelve magazines a year, restoring a historic home in Madisonville, and being a wonderful mother to three girls, Lisa Bingham has been recognized as one of the Top Five Business Women of the Year in Monroe County. This prestigious award serves as recognition for all she’s done over the years. She received the award from the Monroe County Chamber of Commerce at the 2023 Women in Business Gala. Lisa was one of 88 nominees and was very honored by the award.
A Madisonville native, Lisa founded The Bingham Group in 1989. In 2009, she started Monroe Life magazine to promote Monroe County and highlight its people and beauty. This was followed by McMinn Life and Farragut Life magazines in 2011 and 2015. Lisa has extensive and award-winning experience in all phases of marketing, design, and art direction for advertising, public relations, and community relations campaigns. Lisa’s greatest strengths are derived from her passion for creative conceptualization and design. As such, her artistic disciplines are present in every element of The Bingham Group’s work, from video and visual presentation to print and multi-media campaigns. Her company has successfully completed over 30 contracts with the State of Tennessee so far and has provided marketing for multi-million-dollar companies. Lisa also serves on the Board of Directors of the East Tennessee Foundation.
The Bingham Group Wins 18 Addys!
This Saturday, The Bingham Group was pleased to take home 18 Addy Awards. Our highest awards were for our article on Brian Solomon’s waterfall photography from the summer 2022 issue and a booklet we designed for Madisonville Presbyterian Church’s bicentennial. Congratulations to the other winners, and thank you to the American Advertising Federation.
We’d like to thank our team and anyone who contributed to the projects we won awards for. This is such an honor and a great way to start 2023!!
The Bingham Group Wins Contract with the University of Utah
Knoxville, TN– The Bingham Group, a full-service advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee, has been awarded another new contract from the state.
The Bingham Group, a full-service advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee, recently won a contract with the University of Utah. For this new contract, The Bingham Group will be one of several agencies contracted with the University of Utah to complete marketing, branding, and writing work. This is our first out of state contract!
The Bingham Group is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency established in 1989 located in Knoxville, TN that specializes in advertising, brand development, creative services, graphic design, media placement, public relations, broadcast production, video editing, and 3-D animation.
The Bingham Group Wins Contract with the State of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN– The Bingham Group, a full-service advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee, has been awarded another new contract from the state.
In June, The Bingham Group, a full-service advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee, completed a contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development. We worked with the State of Tennessee to promote its Office of Reentry which helps justice-involved individuals—those who have been arrested or been to jail or prison—to successfully reenter their communities and find meaningful work. If you or somebody you know is a justice-involved individual, check out the Office of Reentry’s resources at https://tnworkready.com.
For this contract, we designed and placed TV ads, bus wraps, posters, etc., focused around the theme of “It’s Okay.” Being a justice-involved individual is not something to be ashamed of. This is an issue very close to our hearts as Bingham Group’s President, Lisa Bingham, is working with justice-involved individuals from Miracle Lake to restore Madisonville’s historic Kefauver House. Additionally, her friend Sharon Davis—who helped us with the Office of Reentry contract—is building the Lighthouse Community Life Center which will help people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.
The Bingham Group is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency established in 1989 located in Knoxville, TN that specializes in advertising, brand development, creative services, graphic design, media placement, public relations, broadcast production, video editing, and 3-D animation.
New State Contract Awarded to The Bingham Group
Knoxville, TN– The Bingham Group, a full-service advertising agency in Knoxville, Tennessee, has been awarded another new contract from the state.
This contract awarded from the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has afforded The Bingham Group the ability to implement innovative software for monitoring all forms of media. The implementation will allow all parties to monitor the effects, behaviors, trends and needs of all residents. The software created, implemented will track print, digital and social media on specifics relating to the state of Tennessee department.
The contract is set to monitor a branch of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security for needed growth and current effect.
It further extends the positive, continued relationship of The Bingham Group with the State of Tennessee in providing a resource to better the daily lives of all Tennessee residents.
This contract is expected to begin implementation in 2018.
The Bingham Group is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency established in 1989 located in Knoxville, TN that specializes in advertising, brand development, creative services, graphic design, media placement, public relations, broadcast production, video editing, and 3-D animation.
The Bingham Group Wins Top Honors – Three Silver Telly Awards!
The Bingham Group, a Knoxville based, full-service marketing and communications firm, is proud to announce their success in the 39th Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards annually showcase the best work created within television and across video, for all screens. Receiving over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents. The highest award granted is a Silver Telly, followed by a Bronze Telly in the respective categories.
This year, The Bingham Group has been awarded three top honors:
Television Commercial- SILVER
Matlock Tire Family of Service
TN Dept. of Safety & Homeland Security – Domestic Violence Awareness
Documentary- SILVER
Smoky Mountain Strong (2016 Gatlinburg Wildfires)
The Bingham Group is sincerely thankful to be recognized for their creative excellence and for the opportunity to work with outstanding clients.
TBG chosen for 2016 Adventure Anderson Promotion
On February 3rd, 2016, The Anderson County Purchasing Department announced The Bingham Group as their choice for the 2016 Adventure Anderson Promotion. The Adventure Anderson Promotion contains a four month digital advertising campaign, which will include a corresponding four month Google Ad-words campaign to generate traffic to Anderson County.
The Bingham Group will use a drone to capture the video and photo footage of Anderson County to use in the digital advertising and Google Ad-words campaign.The Bingham Group is looking forward to collaborating with Anderson County this year.
The Bingham Group is a full-service advertising agency located in Farragut, Tennessee. In addition to the in-house video department, The Bingham Group specializes in web design and print media. Each year, The Bingham Group publishes quarterly magazines for the Monroe, Farragut and McMinn Counties. They also offer a wide range of marketing related services such as account planning, public relations and media placement
Knoxville Utilities Board contracts The Bingham Group
Last year, the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) awarded The Bingham Group with a 5-year video contract. Using the in-house Quadcopter, or Drone, The Bingham Group began safely and efficiently inspecting all of the KUB water towers with real-time video footage. This provides KUB with an accurate and cost efficient assessment of their equipment, without endangering the lives of their employees.
The Bingham Group also shot and produced several 8-10 minute safety videos at each KUB water treatment plant. The videos serve to educate KUB employees and are intended for internal use within the company. For the remainder of the contract, The Bingham Group will continue to provide utility inspections using drone video footage, including future safety video footage as necessary.
The Bingham Group is a full-service advertising agency located in Farragut, Tennessee. In addition to the in-house video department, The Bingham Group specializes in web design and print media. Each year, The Bingham Group publishes quarterly magazines for the Monroe, Farragut and McMinn Counties. They also offer a wide range of marketing related services such as account planning, public relations and media placement.